We believe that the key to success in learning is having teachers who are passionate, knowledgeable, and committed to helping their students achieve their full potential. Our teachers are dedicated professionals who inspire and motivate their students to be the best they can be.

Let’s take a look at some of the inspiring quotes from our teachers.
Múinteoir Norah Harpur encourages students to embrace the Irish language, stating that “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Meanwhile, Múinteoir Stephen Johnson highlights the importance of studying English literature, noting that “You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.”

Our teachers are experts in their subjects and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with students.
Múinteoir Clár Caomhánach believes that “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything,” while Múinteoir Danielle Dempsey views art as a way to find happiness, stating that “Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness.”
Múinteoir Edel Céitinn sees mathematics as a way to develop problem-solving skills and understand the world around us.
Múinteoir Daithí Mac Bionáid highlights the connection between Ireland and Spain, and encourages students to learn Spanish to deepen their cultural understanding.
Meanwhile, Múinteoir Nick De Róiste believes that science is both useful and beautiful, stating that “Scientists do not study nature because it’s useful, they study it because they delight in it.”
Our teachers are committed to supporting their students both academically and personally. Múinteoir Gillian Harpur believes that “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom,” while Múinteoir Daire Ó Súird sees physical education as a way to promote discipline and self-confidence.
We hope that these quotes give you a sense of the passion and dedication our teachers bring to their work every day.
Our school is an inspiring place to learn, where students can explore their interests and develop the skills they need to succeed. We are proud to have such amazing teachers, and we hope that you will be inspired by their wisdom and enthusiasm.
Our teachers are committed to supporting their students both academically and personally. Múinteoir Gillian Harpur believes that “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom,” while Múinteoir Daire Ó Súird sees physical education as a way to promote discipline and self-confidence.
We hope that these quotes give you a sense of the passion and dedication our teachers bring to their work every day.
Our school is an inspiring place to learn, where students can explore their interests and develop the skills they need to succeed.
We are proud to have such amazing teachers, and we hope that you will be inspired by their wisdom and enthusiasm.

Norah Harpur
Príomhoide & Ábhair Fraincis & Gaeilge
‘’Nuair a roghnaíonn tuismitheoirí a bpáistí a thógáil le Gaeilge, nó nuair a thugann siad an deis dóibh oideachas trí Ghaeilge a fháil, tá siad ag aistriú ó ghlúin go glúin modh smaointeoireachta agus cumarsáide Ghaelaí nach bhfuil ag aon tír eile sa domhain.
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.’’

Cécile Breton-O’Connor
Ábhair Fraincis
”Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam. Ní féidir daoine, cultúr agus teanga a dhealú. Tugann an Fhraincis tuiscint dúinn ar na Francaigh agus a gcuid cultúir. Speaking another language teaches us to see with new eyes and opens new doors. La langue française appartient à tous ceux qui s’y intéressent.”

Edel Céitinn
Ábhair Mata, Gaeilge & Stadéir Riomhaireachta
“B’fhéidir nach múineann mata dúinn conas grá a shuimiú nó fuath a chealú ach tugann sé le tuiscint dúinn go bhfuil réiteach ag gach fadhb agus gur féidir réiteach a fháil trí sár-iarracht, cleachtadh agus tuiscint.
Mar a dúirt William Thurston, “mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms; it’s about understanding.”

Danielle Dempsey
Ábhair Ealaín Art
”Ealaín Art, also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art, a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. The term art encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, & installation. Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness. ”

Stephen Johnson
Ábhair Stair & Béarla
“Stair: Ní hé atá sa stair scéal an ama atá imithe ach an iarracht a dhéanaimid na gnéithe den am atá imithe a bhfuil spéis againn iontu a chur le chéile arís agus a léirmhíniú. The beauty studying English literature, to quote F. Scott Fitzgerald (Is) ‘You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.’’

Eoin Ó hÁodha
Ábhair Graific Theicniúil & Teicneolaiocht
“Ceann – Croí – Lámh!
(Head – Heart – Hand)
In Graphics & Technology, we think with our head, create with our hands & put our heart into it. In Graphics, we learn to think visually & communicate visually in 2D & 3D. In Technology, we learn to design and make.”

Rose Brophy
Ábhair Fraincis
” Learning another language enables all of us to discover cultures, customs and an another way of thinking. It gives an insight in others cultures and countries where French is spoken “Pour ce qui est de l’avenir, il ne s’agit pas de le prévoir, mais de le rendre possible » Antoine de Saint Exupéry (« as for the future, your task is not to foresee it but to make it possible”)

Daithí Mac Bionáid
Ábhair Spáinnís & Stair
”Tá an-nasc idir an Spáinn agus Irlanda. The Irish have a huge connection with Spain and we try to develop that love for all things Spanish in MSG. Our school offer an exchange programme with a school in the beautiful region of Teruel, and we help our students to communicate through the language at every opportunity. Viva el castellano.”

Clár Caomhánach
Ábhair Ceol & Gaeilge
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” Plato

Daithí Ó Gionnáin
Ábhair Coirpoideachas, An Pholaitíocht agus an tSochaí
“Ní hiad na daoine is láidre na daoine a bhuann, ach na daoine nach stopann a gcuid iarrachtaí nuair a chailleann siad. The strongest people are not always the people who win, but the people who do not give up when they lose.”

Gillian Harpur
Ábhair Béarla & Gaeilge
“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill and the willingness to learn is a choice. “

Áine Ní Riagain
Ábhair Eacnamaíocht Bhaile & Gaeilge
”Home economics, is a subject concerning human development, personal & family finances, consumer issues, housing & interior design, nutrition & food preparation, as well as textiles & apparel.”

Runaí na Scoile

Sinéad Fitzsimons
Ábhair Staidéir Gnó
”Business studies is an inclusive study of marketing, finance, economics, accountancy and other related subjects. It is a combination of different social sciences subjects that allow you to gain the general understanding of business management.”

Shannon De Faoite
Ábhair OSSP, Tíreolaíocht & Reiligiún
“Religious Education focuses on developing knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes & values to enable young people to come to an understanding of religion & its relevance to life, relationships, society & the wider world.”

Linda Farrell
Ábhair Mata
“Maths helps us increase our problem-solving skills by making us think analytically & develop better reasoning ability.”

Antoinette Doyle
”Stand tall, stand proud know that you are unique & magnificent. You do not need the approval of others ”

Eileanóir Uí Bheoláin
Ábhair Béarla & Gaeilge
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts” Shakespeare “

Ger Mackey
Airíoch na Scoile
”Is breá liom an Scoil.
Living the dream. ”

Orla Mahon
”If you can be anything be kind ”

Bean Ghlantacháin
”Cleaning & organising is a practice, not a project”

Elaine Nic Reamóin
Ábhair Eolaíocht, Bitheolaíocht & Cemic
”Science as we know it today is not only the pursuit of truth and knowledge for the good of mankind but also the responsibility of mankind.”

Clíona Uí Ghionnaín
Ábhair Eolaíocht & Mata
“Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organising our curiosity. ”

Dan Mac Ghiolla Phadraig
Ábhair Eolaíocht, Fisic, Mata, Mata Feidhmeach
“Science is simply common sense at its best. Scientists do not study nature because it’s useful, they study it because they delight in it and they delight in it because it’s beautiful. “
Múinteoir, Norah Harpur,Ábhair, Fraincis, Gaeilge
Múinteoir, Cécile Breton-O’Connor, Ábhair, Fraincis
Múinteoir, Stephen Johnson ,Ábhair, Stair & Béarla
Múinteoir, Clár Caomhánach ,Ábhair, Ceol, Gaeilge
Múinteoir,Danielle Dempsey,Ábhair,Ealaín
Múinteoir, Edel Céitinn,Ábhair, Mata, Gaeilge, Stadéir Riomhaireachta
Múinteoir, Daithí Ó Gionnáin ,Ábhair, Coirpoideachas, An Pholaitíocht agus an tSochaí
Múinteoir, Áine Ní Riagain ,Ábhair, Eacnamaíocht Bhaile, Gaeilge
Múinteoir, Linda Farrell,Ábhair,Mata
Múinteoir, Daithí Mac Bionáid ,Ábhair, Spáinnís, Stair
Múinteoir, Elaine Nic Reamóin,Ábhair, Eolaíocht, Bitheolaíocht, Cemic
Múinteoir,Clíona Uí Ghionnaín ,Ábhair,Eolaíocht, Mata
Múinteoir, Dan Mac Ghiolla Phadraig ,Ábhair,Eolaíocht, Fisic, Mata, Mata Feidhmeach.
Múinteoir,Nick De Róiste,Ábhair,Tíreolaíocht, Coirpoideachas
Múinteoir,Eileanóir Uí Bheoláin ,Ábhair, Béarla, Gaeilge
Múinteoir,Daire Ó Súird,Ábhair, Coirpoideachas
Múinteoir, Gillian Harpur,Ábhair,Béarla, Gaeilge
Múinteoir,Sinéad Fitzsimons,Ábhair,Staidéir Gnó
Múinteoir,Katie ,Ábhair, Bearla, Gaeilge
Múinteoir,Shannon De Faoite ,Ábhair,OSSP, Tíreolaíocht, Reiligiún
Múinteoir,Rose Brophy,Ábhair,Fraincis
Múinteoir,Eoin Ó hÁodha,Ábhair,Graific Theicniúil, Teicneolaiocht
Múinteoir,Jessica Ní Bhroin,Ábhair,Béarla, Gaeilge
Múinteoir,Roisín Ní Bhroin,Ábhair,Mata, Gaeilge
Múinteoir,Orla ,Ábhair, Cúntóir Riachtais Speisialta / SNA
Múinteoir,Antionette,Ábhair,Cúntóir Riachtais Speisialta / SNA
Múinteoir,Ger Mackey,Ábhair,Airíoch na Scoile
Avril,Ábhair,Runaí na Scoile
Ita ,Ábhair,Bean Ghlantacháin